Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THE VOICE part 1
“When [Bartimaeus] heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’”
Mark 10:47

When the first season of The Voice came on television, I was an avid watcher. I didn’t miss a single show, and many times would re-watch them on demand. This time around, however, I have just not gotten into the show. Nothing against the singers, the host, or even the judges, it just hasn’t grabbed my attention this season. But in reading my Bible more and more these days, I am concerned with voices I read of. Over the next few days I want to camp out on a few voices written within the pages of God’s Word, and perhaps see how they relate to me.
Today I want to look at a well known story in the book of Mark. We know of Bartimaeus as the blind beggar, sitting by the roadside. As Jesus is coming up to Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, the blind man called out. But I don’t want us to get stuck on the fact that he was blind. I do, however, want us to get stuck on the fact that he called out. Upon hearing that Jesus was coming he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Yet for calling out for his miracle he was instantly hushed by the people, rebuked and told to be quiet. That could have been the end of the story, but it is not. Instead he shouted out even louder, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And then something happened. Jesus stopped. Imagine the look on the people’s faces when the very ones that had just told the blind man to shut up were now being asked to bring the man to Jesus. Imagine their thought process when they realized Jesus wanted to see him.
For years I have read this story and casually thought, oh blind Bartimaeus got his sight back, but there is so much more here. Yes that is one part, but how did he get his sight back? He first had to get Jesus’ attention. And how did he get Jesus’ attention? He called out. And when he was told to hush, he called out louder than before. When he was told to shut up, he spoke up. When he was rebuked, he refused. He continued and continued, not swayed by the crowd, not swayed by the comments they made. Their response only made him cry out louder.
So how does this relate to me? Well I find myself in a pivotal position right now, questioning a next move in my life. In all honesty, I am fearful of making a wrong choice. I have been like Bartimaeus and called out, “Jesus, I need direction.” I have shared my crossroads with a few people and already I have heard the comments of how I do not need to pray about that, but rather should just go for it. But here is the thing, I no longer want to be blinded. I do not want to be wandering aimlessly in life. I want to see. The words of the crowd hushing me only work the opposite direction; they make me cry out all the more, “Jesus, I need direction!” And continue to call out I will until He stops and calls for me, asking what I need and opening my eyes.
Are you in the same place? Are you on the roadside also, calling out to Him? Then do not stop. In fact, raise the volume of your voice. Cry out all the more. Scream at the top of your lungs. When the crowd tells you to be quiet, yell louder! Call out until He stops and calls for you, asking you what it is you need.

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