Sunday, February 13, 2011

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13

During the time of the Passover certain commands and restrictions were given by God in how the ceremony should go. In addition to setting the specific date, Numbers 9 also tells us that God advised the Israelites that they were to eat the lamb, together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They were not to leave any remnants till morning, nor were any of the lamb’s bones to be broken (Num 9:11-12). So then, skipping ahead in time we see how Jesus Christ became the lamb sacrificed for us, and how His life was given freely as opposed to being taken forcefully.
The Bible records in John 19 that Jesus was crucified on the day of Preparation, meaning that the next day would be the Sabbath. Jewish culture, as stemmed from Numbers 9, did not allow for bodies to be left of the cross during the Sabbath. As such, the legs of those being crucified would be broken. Let me explain this a little more. As long as the one being crucified had strength in his legs he was able to push up against the cross and take deeper breathes. But with broken legs, that option was no longer there, therefore the victim would die from the inability to breathe deep, or breathe at all. John 19:33 states that when the Roman soldiers came to Jesus they found he was already dead and did not break His legs. They also left no part till morning as we read that Jesus was taken done and placed in a borrowed tomb before the Sabbath began.
Instead of Jesus’ life being taken from him, as were the lives of the thieves that hung next to Jesus, He willing gave Himself. And in giving of Himself, He proved He was the spotless lamb, void of defect, and true to the demands of the Passover lamb. Jesus was able to relate with us yet without sin. Jesus’ death marked the finishing of the power of sin. And Jesus’ final breathe after stating it was finished was given in love and with a definite purpose rather than stolen from him. So then, John 15:13 is true. Jesus’ love was greater in that He gave Himself by laying down His life.
I John 3:16 tells us, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” As we continue in our brief study of love this day before Valentine’s day, I want to ask you one question. Do you love Him back in return? If love is defined as the laying down of a life, and has been shown in His laying down of His life for us, then can we respond that we love in return? Have we with same purpose determined that we will give God our life? I write this asking you, but I ask it also of myself. I say it easily but it is a hard question to answer. Pieces of me I desire to hold back, but I know I must give it all. God may not be satisfied with chocolates this holiday, but He would be satisfied with my giving Him all of my life as He gave His all for me.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...