“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…”
I Peter 5:8-9a
Seventy-one years ago today, America was attacked. Do you remember this from history class in school? According to former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, this date would live in infamy. It was on this day in history when the Empire of Japan brought a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor which then was the basis for the United States entering into World War II. But what was the intent of the Japanese? Their main mission in this action was simply to cripple America from being the strong force that it was. History shows that Japan had intentions to wage war against the United Kingdom, Netherlands, and the United States, and by wounding our military they could ensure defeat. So then, with 353 of its bombers and torpedo planes, the Japanese military set out for Pearl Harbor. In the end Japan would manage to destroy 188 U.S. aircraft, kill 2402 Americans, wound 1282 more, and take out or damage 16 vessels in comparison to the 29 aircraft and 65 men America took in return from Japan. The next day, the United States declared war on Japan.
Isn’t that just like the enemy, to plot in secret the destruction of their foe? This attack on Pearl Harbor came as a surprise to the American people, and as such the surprise brought about such a great loss. But our enemy is no different. In I Peter 5:8 we are told of him. We are told that our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion. In the Greek, this wording for ‘prowls around’ is PERIPATEO, and means to walk, progress, and look purposefully for opportunities. Reports indicate that the Japanese did just this, checking weather conditions and such so as to attack at just the right moment, with deliberate purpose in mind. Be it the Japanese or the enemy we ourselves face, the mission is the same. Our enemy wants to KATAPINO us. Our enemy wants to devour or swallow us down.
It is for this reason we must look at the beginning of I Peter 5:8 and again of 5:9. The key to our victory rests in these words. We are warned to be self-controlled and alert. In the Greek these words take on a different meaning. We are first told to be NEPHO, sober and circumspect. The clarity of this word makes sense in terms of a person drunk on alcohol. Their motor skills are impaired, therefore making it hard for them to stand against an enemy, much less stand at all in some cases. And we are also told to be GREGOREUO, cautious and giving strict attention to. I have found that when I am clumsy and not paying attention fully that I miss the attacks that come my way. But Peter doesn’t leave us with just these two words. We see in verse 9 he also encourages us to resist and stand firm. The word for resist here is ANTHISTEMI, from where we get antihistamine. The encouragement is to oppose the enemy, just as with the antihistamine we look to oppose the sickness attacking us. And finally we are to be STEREOS, meaning strong and firm, or immovable.
It is no secret, the enemy is plotting our demise. But when he attacks we must take our stand against him. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt gave a speech titled, “A Date that will Live in Infamy.” His closing words begin, “As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.” It is my hope that we make the same stance. It is my hope that we rise up again the enemy who is bombing us and instead stand in defense against further onslaughts. Will we too rise up, become sober and alert? Will we become those who resist with firm footing the enemy’s attack?
Friday, December 7, 2012
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