Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!' Then Samuel said, 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'"
I Samuel 3:10

As a parent of two young children, I find myself to be a light sleeper. I cannot remember if it was always that way, but it seems to be more so now days. I stir when I hear them coughing or crying. I wake to each fret caused by a bad dream. And I slightly open an eye when I see the bathroom light on at 2am. Funny as it is, I find myself this way with God also. I am in a season where, like Samuel, God wakes me during the night to share thoughts with me. It may be an urge to pray about someone or something, or to listen to a song playing on the radio. There's even been a time just last week when I woke and turned on the TV and God ministered to me through an old re-run.
When God stirred Samuel, it might not have been to hurry and turn on the TV, but it was for a reason. At first, though, Samuel wasn't even sure who was calling him. After being dedicated to the LORD's service through an oath made by his mother, Hannah, Samuel lived with the Eli the priest. When the LORD called to him, Samuel mistook the voice for Eli. He rushed in to Eli's quarters but was turned away as Eli responded, "I didn't call for you." A second time this happened and a second time Samuel was advised he was not called for. When it happened the third time, Eli finally understood who had been calling the boy. Eli told Samuel that when it happens again, respond to the voice with the words, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
As if right on cue, the LORD called a fourth time. "Samuel! Samuel!" This time Samuel did not run to Eli's bed, but rather answered the voice, "Speak, for your servant is listening." Now with the boy's attention, the LORD continued speaking in relation to the toll that would be taken on Eli's household. When the message was completed, Samuel fell back asleep.
It is my opinion that God longs to speak with us and share His heart with us. The problem that we run into, or at least I do, is that listening is a learned skill that not all have conquered. God's voice wrestles with my agenda. I try to make time to be still and listen to Him, but in honesty I find myself hitting snooze or falling asleep with my head in the Bible if I do get up. I want to make those moments available to God to hear His heart. I am reminded of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane and wonder if I too would have been one who slept instead of praying.
When my children call out at night, I answer back, "Are you alright? I'm coming!" I may trip over a toy or two in the dark hallway, but I come to them. When God called out to Samuel, he answered, "Speak, for your servant is listening." God came and shared His heart. I am learning now, I see, a lesson from both my children and Samuel. I am learning that God calls late at night. It may be that late at night is when we are quiet enough to listen. As I do not want to miss God's words, I welcome those late night chats. We all should welcome them. Sure, sleep is needed, but is not being with God more important? I urge you to be a good listener. Whether late night, early morning, mid-day, or on an evening stroll, let us quiet ourselves long enough so that we also can hear God's heart. Let us also say to God, "Speak, for your servant is listening." Be aware and open to the late chats, and join me ON THE VANGUARD!

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...