Thursday, September 8, 2011

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18

It is that time of year again; the time I dread the most. After having a car not pass back about ten years ago, I have always dreaded the state required emissions test. The few dollars that it cost is little concern to me, but it is the results of the test that seem to always have me tied in knots. In fact, I will be so honest as to admit that it is on this day in the entire year that I find myself praying the most. “Oh Lord, just let the car pass and I again will do anything You ask.” Alright, so maybe I don’t go quite that far in my prayer, but probably pretty close. But why? Why is it that this time of the year finds me deep in prayer and intercession? Why does a measly rod in my tailpipe bring me to such a fret that my prayer life has no match against this day? Is this prayer life the life God had in mind for those who follow Him? Of course not. So then shouldn’t I work on my prayer life? You bet.
I have the honor of being one of the first grade Sunday teachers at my church. The honor comes in watching the actions of these young children as they are in the beginning stages of really understanding God for themselves. Their understanding of God in many ways is no longer their parents relationship with God, but rather is becoming their own. In our class, then, we work to promote the truth that God alone is the one true God. And this past week the lesson was concerning prayer. The details of prayer were kept simple for the children as two swamp creatures came up with the perfect recipe for what prayer really is. In the end, it broke down to Praise, Repent, Ask, and Yield. I may not have puppets on my hands, but I would like to share this recipe with you.
I have noticed, or rather been convicted, that I seem to come to God in prayer when I need or want something. This has been something I have felt needed to change for some time, and perhaps baby steps have been taken in stepping away from this truth. Yet in understanding the first piece of this recipe, I am becoming more aware of the praise God desires. I am finding myself this week wanting to come to God not only when life is tough. I want to praise Him. And I have plenty to praise Him for. I have a job. I have food, water, shelter. If nothing else, I can praise Him for His great love for me and I can tell Him of the love I have for Him.
In no way at all am I perfect. You know that, I know that, and God surly knows that. So the second letter in PRAY is for repent. As I have shared before, sin separates us from God. It is repentance, though, that brings us back into a right relationship with Him. And it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance (Rom 2:4). I don’t want a cavern carved out by sin preventing me from a full and fruitful walk with God. Instead I want to be as close to Him as possible. I must then repent for the things I do, say, and think that God shows me is sin.
According to the swamp creatures, the next ingredient is to ask. This is where we ask God for the things we need, as well as the things that others may need. But I must warn you on this step that it is so easy to ask in error. We ask for what we desire, yet we need to ask according to God’s ways. James points out in James 4:3 that we do not get what we want because we ask with wrong motives. Before we start down the wrong path, let us take a moment to seek God and pray according to His ways.
Lastly, we have the word yield. This is an important part, but again, one that I don’t always do. This is the step where we yield to His speaking and direction. Just as at a yield sign on the road, this is where we let the other person go first. This is where we quiet ourselves so that we can hear His voice, His direction, and His truth. Prayer is a conversation with God, not a time where we just hear ourselves speak. So then let us give time for God to speak to us as well.
I want my prayer life to blossom, not just be secluded to before meals or while I am sitting in the emissions testing hub. But I also do not want to come only with a list of demands that prove God out to be nothing more than Santa Claus. I want to take the time to praise Him for the awesome things He does daily. I want to repent and stand clean before Him, stripping all sin off my body. I want to be able to ask Him for blessings, but blessings that are in line with His will and desire for me. Yet I also want to be able to hush myself so that I can listen to Him as well. Psalm 145:18 reads, “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” I want my prayer time to be a time when the Lord draws near because I am calling on Him in truth.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...