Back in the summer of 2012, I found myself having quite a bit of time on my hands. So what did I do with that time? A chunk of it was spent with my kids obviously. But with the kids going back and forth between their mom’s house and mine, I found myself also with a great deal of alone time. It was in these times I made it my goal to limit my television usage, and open the Bible more. So I did. I opened and began to study one of my favorite books of the Bible, Ephesians. As I was studying, I began to focus in specifically to chapter 5.
I remember during my junior year of college one of the guys in my class came up to me and told me that he had a word for me. I was a little hesitant as to what he may say, but I listened. His words were simple. “God wants you to read and live Ephesians 5.” A little perplexed, I went back to the dorm that night and skimmed through it. Of all the verses that I saw on the page, my eyes landed on the part concerning a husband and wife and right away I thought he had missed it. How could it apply to me since I was not married, or even dating anyone at that time. Over the course of my life since then, my eyes have read the words of Ephesians 5 so many times that I probably could quote it. And following my divorce I have read it even more. There are so many truths within just this chapter beyond that of marriage, and so many lessons we should learn when deciding to do what Jesus would do.
Wow, I had so much to learn back then. I would like to think I have learned it all now, but the great thing about God’s Word is that because it is living and active, we can never get enough. It gets in us, to the core, changes us if we allow it to, and then comes back to do the process all over. So with this background, and in humility myself, I submit to you what God has shown me, verse my verse, from Ephesians 5.
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“So imitate God, as his dear children…”
Ephesians 5:1
Consider this, Jesus is the standard, not the exception. Therefore His ways are the ways we should follow instead of avoid. In John 5:19, Jesus spoke that He did only as He saw His Father doing. “…Whatever the Father does, the Son does too.” In Ephesians 5:1, Paul then encourages us to do likewise and follow in the ways that we see the Father doing as well. So then in order for us to do what Jesus would do, we need to seek Him and ask Him what He would do. I know this principle goes a little off course in some circles, but this is the path to blessing.
And consider also the fact that our previous timeline in God’s kingdom doesn’t prove we know what we are doing. What I mean by this is that just because we may have been raised in the church doesn’t mean that every action we do is right. Look at Isaiah 56:1-2 as an example. The passage starts out stating to observe justice and do what is right. Then in verse 2 it tells us one of the things that is right according to God, which is the keeping of the Sabbath. When was the last time you kept the Sabbath? Guess what, I’m Jewish and I still struggle with keeping the Sabbath correctly. The Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest and recollection of the awesomeness of God, yet I find myself struggling to keep from using it to get my week’s grocery shopping done. So then if I ask myself the question of what would Jesus do on the Sabbath, I am pretty sure I would not hear Him answer, “Go shopping.” I would hear Him answer to reflect on Him, study His Word, and bathe in His presence. That is what Jesus did.
To imitate God in a world and time that seems to be so far from knowing God’s true will takes us asking Him exactly what it is He wants us to do. We are to measure ourselves based on His Word, get back to His statutes, and perform according to His morals. But in a time when even “Christians” are giving over to premarital sex, affairs, drunkenness, pride, and idol worship, I venture to say we have no idea what it means to be a God-follower. Quite honestly, I am sick of this being the way my life goes. I am sick of saying one thing and living another. Jesus did what He saw the Father do. Jesus lived out love, lived out obedience, and lived out the morals and standards that His Father put in place. That is the life I want to live going forward. And that is the life we are all encouraged to live based on Ephesians 5:10. It is time to return to what pleases Him.
It was in 1897 that Charles M. Sheldon wrote the book, In His Steps. At its time, the book began to change the world of its readers, forcing them to question with the characters, what would Jesus do? Doing what Jesus would do will not make us popular, nor will it make us even liked in many cases. But it will make us think and hopefully change our ways if we allow it. Should you come along in this concept, I cannot tell you what Jesus would counsel you in your position, nor can you in mine. Yet be sure that we each will have a cross to bear in this decision. Many will take challenge of asking this question and then soon give up. Some will last a week; a few maybe the month. Jesus lived this as a lifestyle, not a fad. I pray that we too will be those who embrace the question of what would Jesus do.
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“…and live a life of love, just as also the Messiah loved us, indeed, on our behalf gave himself up as an offering, as a slaughtered sacrifice to God with a pleasing fragrance.”
Ephesians 5:2
In Ephesians 5:2, we see that one of the ways we can imitate Him and do what He would do is in love. We are to live a life of love and imitate His actions. This one can be hard because as a human I do not always want to love people. Truth be told, I am in a constant battle against my lack of desire to be an extrovert. Having been hurt and rejected by people who I trusted, it is easier for me to put up walls and live my hermit lifestyle. But this is one area specifically where I find myself asking, “What would Jesus do?” Yes there are scriptures that point to Jesus secluding Himself, but in each of those instances it was to get away for times of refreshing and prayer. His reason for being alone is not the same reason I do it. And if I want to follow His example, I feel I must work to step outside of my fears.
I must give myself as an offering to Him. I must be willing to invest myself in the pattern of what He would do. I am reminded of the banner in a church I once saw that read, “Invest, Invite, Include.” It is a simple message. It is a message stating exactly what Jesus did. And it is a message that challenges me if I want to walk in His ways. I must love others enough to invest myself in them and Christ did, giving of Himself constantly. I must love others enough to invite them into my home, to my church, to my friendship, just as Christ did. And I must love them enough to include them in the patterns and steps of the Father, again as Christ did.
So concerning the way I act, in asking “What would Jesus do,” I am confident that He would love others. And Does not I John 4:18 remind us that there is no fear in love, for perfect love drives out fear? Jesus would, and did, live a life of love. This is the lifestyle I want to mimic.
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“Among you there should not even be mentioned sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or greed; these are utterly inappropriate for God’s holy people.”
Ephesians 5:3
To be honest with you, one of the greatest challenges for many in answering a question such as what Jesus would do is based on Ephesians 5:3-5. The challenge is for there not to be even a mention of sexually immorality. The NIV states a hint of. The word in the Greek is ONOMAZO, meaning the naming of or to be given name to. As ones who follow in the steps of God, as His imitators, we are not to let there be the name of sexual immorality, impurity, or greed of any amount in our lives. Additionally, as we will see, there is to not be obscenity, stupid talk, or course language flowing from us as these habits too are not the way of God.
But what exactly do these traits encompass? Let us work to define the three traits in Ephesians 5:3. Sexual immorality is the Greek word PORNEIA. Guess what word we get today from this Greek root. Pornography. Defined more directly, this word includes illicit sexual intercourse, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and any act of sex done unto a pagan god or idol. This seems pretty cut and dry, yes? Yet how many churches have opened their doors to ministers and staff who publically admit this as their lifestyle? No offense, but I do not want to attend a church where my pastor is gay. I have a strong feeling that God’s hand of blessing is not on that church. Now I am not saying that church should not welcome these people in, as we all need Jesus, but I am saying I would not want this hint leading me in my walk with Christ and encouraging me to be like God.
Additionally, we are not to let there be any kind of impurity. In the Greek this is the word AKATHARSIA, meaning uncleanness of body, but also impurity of lustful, luxurious, or profligate living of impure motives. In Romans 1:24 this same word is used when Paul writes that God gave the unclean over to their impurities of lust within their hearts. If we fail to get the impurity out now, as Jesus would do, then our fate too can be sealed in our being given over to our flesh.
Greed is the third named character here that there should not be a hint of in our lives as people who imitate God and do as Jesus would do. Greed is the Greek word PLEONEXIA, and is more rightly defined as covetousness or the deep desire to have more. Greed is what got David in trouble with Bathsheba as his desire was for her. Greed birthed the actions of taking what was not his and killing her husband to make it right. Greed is what gets so many of us in trouble still as it paves the way for us to reason why we should have what others have. Looking at Romans 1:29-32, greed is one of the named evil traits that is worthy of death.
I want to do as Jesus would do. I want to be an imitator of God. I want to be a fragrant offering unto Him. But I cannot be this if I allow the name of such sins to spot my life. I cannot be fully walking in His ways if my name is still on the party list with sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. These things must be banished from our lives. If they were no part of Jesus’ life, then why should we allow them to be part of ours? Let us divorce these traits, once and for all! I am pretty sure that is what Jesus would do.
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“Also out of place are obscenity and stupid talk or coarse language; instead, you should be giving thanks. For of this you can be sure: every sexually immoral, impure or greedy person – that is, every idol worshipper – has no share in the Kingdom of the Messiah and of God.”
Ephesians 5:4-5
So we have looked at the terms in verse 3, which I believe were well needed definitions as we have tended to conform our personal definitions to that of our rational. But if we are going to do as Jesus did and walk in His way, then we must understand the terms and boundaries according to Him. We must stop trying to fit God in our box and instead place ourselves within His freedoms. I understand it may sound strange to equate His ways with freedom, but only in Him do we have all we need. Only in walking in His steps will we find the fullness of life that we search for. And so, Ephesians 5:4-5 continues from where we left off in helping us to see what traits we need to delete from our current lifestyle.
The passage continues on with next telling us that obscenity is out of place. Obscenity in the Greek is AISCHROTES and means filth. Filth is out of place in the Kingdom. As one who has moved from one apartment complex to another in times past, I can attest to the fact that my units had filth. Now when the furniture was in its place, the unit looked clean. But as I moved the furniture from the unit into the truck, I began to find the trash and overall junk that was tucked and hidden in between the furniture and walls. I was amazed at how much filth there was. And I am just as amazed at how much filth I find when I begin to ask Jesus what He would do in my situations. For so long I have been trained in thinking that my ways were right. While they didn’t hurt anyone, they also weren’t the true version of what God commands. The filth found needs to be removed, and fast!
Stupid talk and course joking are named as well. MOROLOGIA, or foolish talking, and EUTRAPELIA, which is facetious humor and the trying to be funny, are also characteristics that Paul warns us against. These are not the behaviors that God is involved in and should not be the behaviors that we too are involved in. Instead He urges us to live in a place of giving thanks. This word in the Greek is EUCHARISTIA, which we derive the word Eucharist from. The Eucharist is also commonly known as the Communion, which in and of itself is the giving of thanks for the sacrifice of Christ. So instead of all this pointless and degrading talk, we are to fill our words with thanks.
In putting it all together starting from the beginning of Ephesians 5, we see we are to mimic God as children who love their parents do. We are to live a life of love and let this be our trademark. We are to do away with the sexually immoral behavior, the impurities, the greed, and the inappropriate talk that comes from our mouths. Instead we are to speak thanksgiving to our Father. All these other sins and behaviors lead only to one thing – idol worship. Too many already worship the body, worship the profligate living of impure motives, and worship what they feel they need. But Paul writes that in the Kingdom of God this bowing down unto idols of any sort has no place.
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“Let no one deceive you with empty talk; for it is because of these things that God’s judgment is coming on those who disobey Him. So don’t become partners with them!”
Ephesians 5:6-7
Have you ever stopped to think of how many partnerships you are involved in at one time? As I walk through my duties of the day I am reminded that I am a partner with my wife and children, with my bank, with my employer, with my school, and with my dog. To each of them I have made a commitment. To my wife and children the partnership reads that I will love and protect them, help them grow in God, and meet their needs. To my bank the partnership includes paying my bills only when there is enough cash in my account. To my employer I have agreed to show up to work on time, do a job far exceeding that of my pay, and represent the company name well. To my school the partnership states that I will come to class, ready to learn, and show respect to my fellow students. And to my dog, the partnership includes me feeding him and being there to pet him when needed. Granted in all these there is more to the partnership than what is on the surface, but I am sure you can relate with what I am saying.
Of course there are other partnerships one enters in life. As such, sometimes we enter into a partnership with reasoning and deliberation, and other times in haste. But despite how we enter into it, the question is if we are entering into the right relationship. In these verses I find a warning given by Paul concerning partnerships. We have already seen the danger of partnering with sexually immorality, impurity, greed, filth, and stupid talk. Here, though, we see another area where we are cautioned to partner, that being in empty talk.
As we have looked at the Greek in all the other warnings found in Ephesians 5 so far, we look here as well. Empty talk is KENOS in the Greek. Further defined, ‘kenos’ is anything that is devoid of truth. Paul used this same word in I Corinthians 15:14 when he spoke that if Christ had not truly risen from the dead, then all the preaching he had done so far would have been just empty of truth. But the truth was Jesus did rise from the grave. Paul’s speech then was founded on truth and not lies. So here also Paul is saying that every word that proceeds from our mouth should be founded on truth. We are not to be cheated and beguiled with these empty words, which lead to God’s judgment, but rather are to be built up with true words.
Paul’s final warning as found in verse 7 is not to be partners with those who fit the description of the terms found in verses 3 thru 6. We are not to join in with the sin of sexual immorality. We are not to sign a contract with the sin of impurity. We are not to shake hands with greed. We are not to collaborate with filth and stupid talk. And we are not to associate with empty, truth-lacking words. Being in agreement with these things only brings about God’s ORGE, His temper, for these things are sin. These things steal us away from Him, the Truth, and connect us with sin, which is disobedience.
We are to be imitators of God, connecting and partnering with truth instead of lies. Far too many of us for far too long have forsaken what Jesus would do for what we want to do. How can we call ourselves Christ followers if we are not following His example? Nowhere in the Bible does it say “Be an imitator of yourself,” because left to yourself you fall into sin. Let us draw the line in the sand, divorcing our partnership with sin and re-entering into a partnership with God. Let us imitate Him only.
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“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light…”
Ephesians 5:8
My personal testimony is not a secret to many, nor do I want it to be. I want people to know that the same God who lifted me out of my addiction can also rescue them. It was while going through my struggles that I was hooked up with a counselor named John. John had a way of getting me to open up and think about what I was doing, how it was hurting people, and how to refrain from continuing. In one of our sessions he pointedly questioned, “When do you find yourself acting in this behavior?” I didn’t have to think long since I knew the answer. In my case, I almost always acted out when I was either alone or when it was dark. Like a roach sneaking out in the shadows, I would dig in my trash so confident that no one would see me.
It is in Ephesians 5:8 that I see who I was – one in darkness. For far too many years than I want to remember, I lived in darkness. But this word means more than just living with the lights off. Darkness, SKOTOS in the Greek, means the night, but also a blindness or ignorance of the divine things. This word is usually always connected with ungodliness or immorality. In my case it most definitely was. I was living as one embracing the darkness, bowing down to my idols, and willingly surrendering to sin. In no way was I doing what Jesus was saying. In fact, I was blatantly turning my back on Him.
What happens to the roach when the light is turned on? It is exposed. It normally tries to run for cover. I too was exposed in time. It took a few major personal earthquakes to get my attention. A miscarriage, a lost job, and finally a separation later, I was left alone because of my exposure. Bored out of my mind I began to read anything I could get my hands on and in that action I began to have the lights turned on in other areas as well. It was because of these lights that I sought counsel from John and began to see more of how much I had deceived myself. The darkness did nothing for me except ruin my eyesight. But as the lights were physically, and spiritually, turned on again I saw what I had been trying to hide. I began to stare deep into the light until finally I walked once more in the light. I became again one who was united with the Lord and was walking in His PHOS, His glow, His fire, and His emission of truth.
If we want to do as Jesus did, then we must grab hold of what Paul is saying in Ephesians 5:8. We must come out of the blind ignorance that we have allowed ourselves to be captive to, and walk in His emission of truth and light. Our life must be defined by our walk that we are to be imitating. Our walk is to be one that progresses in His ways, is regulated according to His standards, and is conducted according to His disciplines. In order to be His TEKNON, His intimate children and offspring, we must be children of the light! Jesus walked this pattern, and with His help we can as well. With His help we can be children of the light.
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“…for the fruit of the light is in every kind of goodness, rightness and truth – try to determine what will please the Lord.”
Ephesians 5:9-10
Are you a lover of fruit? I am. There are not many fruits that I will not eat, but I will say my favorites happen to be berries. There is nothing like a fruit salad of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, dusted with a little bit of sugar, to make my day. The problem is, I also like donuts and bagels and cinnamon rolls, and more often will eat those for breakfast instead of the healthy items. Maybe that partially explains why I still need to lose a few pounds. But if we take this same concept of my breakfast menu, and look at it with spiritual eyes, we may find a parallel truth in Paul’s words.
In Ephesians 5:8, we see Paul encourages us to be children of the light. In verse 9, he continues this thought by encouraging us in the fruit of the light. Now we defined from the Greek the word light as PHOS, meaning a glow, a fire, and an emission of truth. So if we understand what light is, then let us make sure we understand what fruit is. The word is KARPOS and means literal edible fruit, but also the fruit of one’s loins, the offspring that originates from something, and the praises which are presented to God as an offering. I believe it is safe to say that all four of these definitions fit here. The edible or physical fruit of God is goodness, rightness, and truth. The fruit of His loins is the same. The offspring of God again is goodness, rightness, and truth. And finally, our praise as offered to God should be the return of goodness, rightness, and truth.
But what are goodness, rightness, and truth? The fruit of goodness, or AGATHOSUNE in the Greek, is the upright manner of heart and life. We have before us the task of living an example of Christ before others, and showing them the same goodness that Christ showed to us. This is how we do what Jesus would do. When we determine what pleases the Lord, and walk it out, we are walking in the uprightness of heart and life as defined in this fruit. Rightness, or DIKAIOSUNE, is the state of integrity, virtue, correct thinking and acting, and purity of life. This clearly defines the example that Christ saw in His Father and lived out. This also is the model that we are to follow after. We are to walk in this pure state since we have been challenged to imitate God. And lastly, let us define the fruit of truth. ALETHEUO, meaning to be and speak only what is valid truth. When was the last time we went a full day walking in 100% truth?
To be children of the light we must walk in these fruit of the light as our example did. But how? I know you may be thinking as even I am, “I know I can’t do it so why even try?” Let us not give up. Honestly, I cannot live a life of goodness, rightness, and truth…without His help. I think that is where verse 10 comes into play. We are to determine what pleases God. We are to DOKIMAZO, to examine and scrutinize what is acceptable in God’s view. And how do we do that? Easy. We ask Him. Remember, Jesus did only what He saw the Father do. He knew His Father that well. We too know some of what God expects of us, but in the areas we are unsure we are to ask Him.
God, help us not to be too proud or self-reliant that we do not ask You what You would do. We want to please you and live a life worthy of being called a God-Follower. Help us then to walk in the ways of goodness, rightness, and truth, the fruit of light.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Mark 11:24
I must admit that lately I have been awestruck with details I have been learning about the late George Mueller. Mueller was born in 1805 and passed in 1898, at the age of 92. He saw the great awakening first hand in 1859, worked alongside such ministers as D. L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon, and is said to be the inspiration for the missionary Hudson Taylor. However, what Mueller is best known for is the details of his life in Bristol, England, and the work he accomplished with the orphans there. It is said that he built five large orphan houses that accommodated for well over 10,000 orphans throughout his entire life. According to sources, Mueller stopped receiving a salary in the final 68 years of his life, praying that God would supply both his needs and for the needs of the orphanages. Converting currency, it is estimated that the equivalent of millions in today’s currency were prayed in for the needs, as he never took out a loan, and neither he nor the orphans were ever in lack.
Previous to my recent research on Mueller, I knew very little about this man of God. In reading about him and in pieces of his autobiography, it is said that Mueller shared his needs with no one but God, thus allowing his faith to grow in God’s provision. Still, it was only while reading through a study early this week that I read an account that challenged me in my faith, and I would like to share it with you.
“On another occasion, so the story goes, George Mueller was on his way to Canada to keep an appointment he was sure was in God’s will. As the ship which was bringing him from England entered the St. Lawrence River it ran into a heavy fog. George Mueller went to see the captain, a Christian friend of his. ‘Tell me, Captain,’ he said, ‘will we arrive in time for my meeting?’ The captain, looking out at the fog from the bridge, replied, ‘Not unless the weather clears at once.’ George Mueller was a man who knew how to talk to God so he suggested that they pray. In simple terms he reminded the Lord of his appointment, of his assurance that the appointment had been in the will of God; he then requested that the fog be removed. When he had finished, the captain was about to pray when he felt a hand on his arm. ‘Don’t you pray, Captain,’ said George Mueller. The captain looked up in astonishment. ‘Why not?’ he exclaimed. ‘For two reasons,’ said George Mueller. ‘In the first place you do not really believe God is going to take away the fog and in the second place it has already gone.’”
So I must admit again that while reading this story, I was challenged. The line that got me was, “…you do not really believe God is going to take away the fog…” I began to contemplate, how many times have I prayed, but not really expected God to do what I prayed for? This answer would be more than I care to admit. When I pray for my sick children, do I really believe the fever will just leave? When I pray for funds in order to pay that one last dangling utility bill, do I honestly expect that provision will come from God rather than my getting a second job? When I pray even for the needs of others, do I find myself praying just to say I prayed, or do I have faith to know with all certainty that God will answer?
The Bible is clear in how we are to pray. We are to believe. “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). Believe here in the Greek is the word PISTEUO, meaning to have faith, give credit to, or entrust. This is the same word used in John 11:25, where Jesus, comforting the sisters of Lazarus, states that He is the resurrection and the life, and “…he that PISTEUO in (Him), though he were dead, yet shall he live.” It is only in having this belief in Christ that things prayed for can be received.
Another instance of this word is found in John 3:16. While this is a verse we probably all know, let us take a moment still to look at it with our new found understanding. We read that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever PISTEUO in the Son will have eternal life. Again we see this concept of believe and receive. When we have faith, or entrust our lives to the Son, then we receive the gift of eternal life.
If Mark records Jesus telling us to believe so we will receive, then why is it still so hard for me at times? Let’s dig a little deeper. The word PISTEUO is derived from the word PISTIS, which we may be more familiar with. We read of PISTIS in Ephesians 6:16, where we read of taking up the shield of faith. Is it safe to assume that there are times when I have dropped my shield? I know that sounds a little odd, but it is an honest question. Are the times when I pray and do not honestly expect an answer to come not only in times when I am going through the motions, but also in times when I have actually dropped my faith, my belief that God will do what I am praying for?
Only in our belief do we receive. But please do not read into this that I am suggesting God is our own personal vending machine. What I am suggesting is that we have a faith like that found in the example of George Mueller. His needs were met as a result of his strong faith in knowing God would provide. So should it be for us, that our faith rests in God to provide. God may chose to use an outside source, a second job, or even a raven to provide, but the receiving must begin with the believing.
Mark 11:24
I must admit that lately I have been awestruck with details I have been learning about the late George Mueller. Mueller was born in 1805 and passed in 1898, at the age of 92. He saw the great awakening first hand in 1859, worked alongside such ministers as D. L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon, and is said to be the inspiration for the missionary Hudson Taylor. However, what Mueller is best known for is the details of his life in Bristol, England, and the work he accomplished with the orphans there. It is said that he built five large orphan houses that accommodated for well over 10,000 orphans throughout his entire life. According to sources, Mueller stopped receiving a salary in the final 68 years of his life, praying that God would supply both his needs and for the needs of the orphanages. Converting currency, it is estimated that the equivalent of millions in today’s currency were prayed in for the needs, as he never took out a loan, and neither he nor the orphans were ever in lack.
Previous to my recent research on Mueller, I knew very little about this man of God. In reading about him and in pieces of his autobiography, it is said that Mueller shared his needs with no one but God, thus allowing his faith to grow in God’s provision. Still, it was only while reading through a study early this week that I read an account that challenged me in my faith, and I would like to share it with you.
“On another occasion, so the story goes, George Mueller was on his way to Canada to keep an appointment he was sure was in God’s will. As the ship which was bringing him from England entered the St. Lawrence River it ran into a heavy fog. George Mueller went to see the captain, a Christian friend of his. ‘Tell me, Captain,’ he said, ‘will we arrive in time for my meeting?’ The captain, looking out at the fog from the bridge, replied, ‘Not unless the weather clears at once.’ George Mueller was a man who knew how to talk to God so he suggested that they pray. In simple terms he reminded the Lord of his appointment, of his assurance that the appointment had been in the will of God; he then requested that the fog be removed. When he had finished, the captain was about to pray when he felt a hand on his arm. ‘Don’t you pray, Captain,’ said George Mueller. The captain looked up in astonishment. ‘Why not?’ he exclaimed. ‘For two reasons,’ said George Mueller. ‘In the first place you do not really believe God is going to take away the fog and in the second place it has already gone.’”
So I must admit again that while reading this story, I was challenged. The line that got me was, “…you do not really believe God is going to take away the fog…” I began to contemplate, how many times have I prayed, but not really expected God to do what I prayed for? This answer would be more than I care to admit. When I pray for my sick children, do I really believe the fever will just leave? When I pray for funds in order to pay that one last dangling utility bill, do I honestly expect that provision will come from God rather than my getting a second job? When I pray even for the needs of others, do I find myself praying just to say I prayed, or do I have faith to know with all certainty that God will answer?
The Bible is clear in how we are to pray. We are to believe. “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). Believe here in the Greek is the word PISTEUO, meaning to have faith, give credit to, or entrust. This is the same word used in John 11:25, where Jesus, comforting the sisters of Lazarus, states that He is the resurrection and the life, and “…he that PISTEUO in (Him), though he were dead, yet shall he live.” It is only in having this belief in Christ that things prayed for can be received.
Another instance of this word is found in John 3:16. While this is a verse we probably all know, let us take a moment still to look at it with our new found understanding. We read that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever PISTEUO in the Son will have eternal life. Again we see this concept of believe and receive. When we have faith, or entrust our lives to the Son, then we receive the gift of eternal life.
If Mark records Jesus telling us to believe so we will receive, then why is it still so hard for me at times? Let’s dig a little deeper. The word PISTEUO is derived from the word PISTIS, which we may be more familiar with. We read of PISTIS in Ephesians 6:16, where we read of taking up the shield of faith. Is it safe to assume that there are times when I have dropped my shield? I know that sounds a little odd, but it is an honest question. Are the times when I pray and do not honestly expect an answer to come not only in times when I am going through the motions, but also in times when I have actually dropped my faith, my belief that God will do what I am praying for?
Only in our belief do we receive. But please do not read into this that I am suggesting God is our own personal vending machine. What I am suggesting is that we have a faith like that found in the example of George Mueller. His needs were met as a result of his strong faith in knowing God would provide. So should it be for us, that our faith rests in God to provide. God may chose to use an outside source, a second job, or even a raven to provide, but the receiving must begin with the believing.
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