Saturday, May 2, 2015


So today, instead of posting a blog for you to read, I want to engage your response. I have decided to go back to school, and have been in session for about a month already doing both a grad program and some counseling classes on the side. This week, though, a question was posed in my Biblical Counseling class that, well honestly, I had a hard time answering. The session revolved around the story of Hosea and Gomer, and took a deep look into love that Hosea shared as an example of the love God has for us. After thinking on it for some time, I gave my honest answer, which was supposed to have included an account from my life of how I either showed this unconditional Hosea-type love to someone, or had it shown to me. As I formulated my answer, though, not using family or God accounts, I could not think of a time where I had shown this type of love. How sad.

So my mission today is to pose the same question to you. Feel free to answer on the Vanguard Facebook page, or email me personally at if you do not want others to read. But I wonder if others are perhaps in the same spot as I. Anyways, here is the question for you to ponder:

Reflect upon a circumstance where you have shown passionate and determined love to someone in a bad situation (or you have been the recipient of such love). Briefly discuss this circumstance and describe how this love modeled God's love as shown in the book of Hosea.

My answer follows; interested to hear yours.

Upfront, I cannot think of a circumstance where I have given a love as deep as Hosea's to Gomer to anyone. Looking back I have been one of those who gives in order to get. Please don't be mistaken, I am capable of loving others, but cannot think of a time when I went against my human nature to marry (love) one I did not want to, have them refuse my love, and then go after them with tenacity in the effort of rescuing them from the trouble they were in. I am disappointed to share this truth.

I think this shows two things about myself. First, I have been too consumed with myself. Ironic how just recently I posted that all sin derives from pride, but really looking in my own mirror I see how I have been proud, and selfish. I can see where there have been times when God has nudged me, but I have reasoned my way out of obedience to help, love, and rescue because I saw no benefit. I think to how I reacted with my first wife. Our whole relationship was based on what we could get from each other. It was the "I'll scratch your back if your scratch mine." As long as we both benefitted we were happy. But the moment the other didn't scratch, things went sour and the wedge got wider. Not so much with my own kids, but I see it with my step-boys too. I will show you a version, shallow as it is, of love if your show me respect. It is built on what I can gain.

Secondly, this reality shows me that I have a distance to go if I plan to help others. From the age of 9 it was prophesied over me that I would be a pastor. I went to bible school, did missionary work, did internships in the church, and her I am at age 40 and God has never released me yet. Prophecies continue to come that it will happen and not to lose heart, but I question when. I think I have learned more about myself in this course than I ever expected to. Mostly I have learned that I have more to learn. How can I be a help to someone when I cannot answer when was the last time I showed a Hosea type love to another person, or any love without benefits. God has used this course to open my eyes and show me I am not standing as tall as I think. The good thing, though, is He will not leave me here. Now having the opened eyes, He will continue my own healing so that when He deems it right, I can work with Him to heal others.

So I am sorry I cannot give an honest story from my past for this question right now. But there will be a day. Who knows, with this reality now, it may be closer than I think.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...