Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"But Naaman went away angry and said, 'I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than any of the waters of Israel? Couldn't I wash in them and be cleansed?' So he turned and went off in a rage."
II Kings 5:11-12

It's been about a year now since my last dating relationship. At times I am content with where I am, but at other times the loneliness of life catches up with me. Sure it would be great to have an adult companion to spend time with, spend money on, and share affections with. I would love to have some one to go to the movies with who wasn't restricted to only G or PG ratings. And as awesome as my children are, I long for a conversation that isn't only about Disney princesses and Legos. It would not be wrong for me to have a girlfriend right now. I mean, I have been officially divorced for over two years and it may be time to move on. BUT, there is one thing that prevents me from truly embarking on a dating adventure again.
At the beginning of the year I questioned God as to what His desire was for me this year, 2010. As I prayed I heard over and over again the word FOCUS. And now, half way through May, I can honestly say I still hear that word in my head. There have been a few women that have caught my eye this year, and I have tried to reason with myself that it would be 'okay' to date again, but the voice I heard back at the end of last year still catches up with me.
Naaman may not have been wrestling with whether to date or not, but he was wrestling with his own thoughts. The Bible shares that Naaman had leprosy. Now a young servant girl of Naaman's wife mentioned that he should go and see the prophet Elisha, who just so happened to be in town. Urged again to go by the king of Aram, Naaman took his offering and headed out. After time, he came to Elisha's house. Elisha did not go out to see him, but rather sent his servant out with these words.
"Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleaned."
The answer was given; the miracle was only seven dunks away. But Naaman didn't see it that way. To him the words were dirty. Elisha was used to speak healing but Naaman heard the words, "go take a mud bath." He tried to reason by stating how much cleaner the rivers of Damascus were, only to be reminded by his own servant that Elisha did not say to visit one of those rivers. How many times have I done the same thing, whether with dating or in any other circumstance? How many times has God told me something at my request and I say, "Seriously, that is not the answer I wanted to hear."
When Naaman finally went to the Jordan, and dipped his seventh time, he found God's healing touch. It took Naaman obeying God before his freedom of disease could come. Isn't that what God requires of all of us? Obedience? In my moaning and petitioning for what I think is a better way, I stall my blessings. But, if I would just obey I would find the answer.
I use dating as an example. Yes, I could date, but I would only be delaying myself of the blessing God is and is wanting to continue to pour out on me as I wait and focus on Him. It is hard to see so many out there on Friday night enjoying time together. It isn't a sin for them. But I know in my heart that God has told me this year that my answer is not yet. So I obey. I could be like Frank Sinatra and do it my way, but God is into obedience, and I am into God. Consider the areas where He is asking you to obey. Are you? If not, I urge you to repent and follow God's path. Right the wrongs, and join me ON THE VANGUARD!

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...