Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Ring Ring

     "Hello Jonah."
"Yeah, this is Jonah.  Who's this?"
     "This is God."
"God?  God as in the big guy in the sky, or just another false ba'al god?"
     "God as in 'I am that I am'."
"What would You have me to do?  I am Your servant."
     "I want you to go to Nineveh, Jonah.  I have a message for the people of Nineveh, and I want you to deliver it for me."
"Yeah, that's probably not going to happen, God.  You see..., well..., those people are way too wicked."
     "I know, and it is their wickedness that has come to my attention.  I am sending you to go and preach against this city."
"...making static noises... What's that God?  You're breaking up.  I think we have a bad connection.  Call me later on a better line!"


     We all probably know the story, that when called to go to Nineveh, Jonah decided to run in the opposite direction instead.  His running, however, was met by a storm that rocked the boat until he was finally thrown off, only to be swallowed by a big fish and eventually vomited out on shore after three days time.  All of these experiences could have been avoided if Jonah had simply done what God was calling him to, right?  Now we know that eventually he did go to Nineveh.  In fact, we read after the fish vomit incident that in Jonah 3:3, Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh where he preached God's original message that the city was about to be overturned.  The people fasted and repented, and as a result the city was saved from destruction.  Happy ending, yea!!!

     But before we harp on Jonah for his original response to God's calling, perhaps we should take a look at ourselves.  God hasn't stopped calling His people, but like we read in Jonah's case, some people have decided to stop listening.  We vow, "God, I'll do anything!"  We plead, "God send me anywhere!"  We pray to be used by God, yet when the call comes in and the assignment is given, we run the other way because we do not like what or where He is calling us to be.  He is looking for that obedience we promised, yet finds us running the other way.

     Jonah did eventually do what God called him to, but at a cost.  Would it not have been easier for him to simply obey God from the start?  And wouldn't it be to our benefit to do the same?  How many more steps are involved in the task simply by trying to avoid the task?

     Perhaps God has called you.  Which direction are you running?  Are you running away from what He is asking of you, or are you running full steam into the calling?  Ring Ring.  Its for you.  Its God and He has a mission for you.  How will you answer?

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...