Tuesday, April 14, 2015


"'Come, follow me.' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once [Simon and Andrew] left their nets and followed [Jesus]. When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother, John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him."
Mark 1:17-20

As a child I knew that when my parents called my name, using my middle name, it meant trouble was coming. That calling of my name could be heard all the way down the street I am sure. Daniel Ryan Tichota! And when I heard that calling, I knew there was no time to waste unless I wanted the upcoming wrath to be worse than it was already destined to be. Now as a parent I am on the otherside of the call. Just like it was for me as a child, so now I find that my children also know that when the middle name is spoken, something major is about to happen. Yet why is it that this is the tone used too often to get us to do something at once?
In reading a brief study on the first chapter of the Book of Mark recently, my eyes were fixed on the calling of the first few disciples. This section which I have read many times before now included words that jumped off the page. Here was Jesus, fresh from His forty days of temptation, walking beside the Sea of Galilee where He came upon a set of brothers, Simon (Peter) and Andrew. We are not told how long He stood there, or really what He witnessed other than perhaps the two casting nets and hoping for a catch. Yet we are told they were fishermen, and that became the invitation Jesus used when speaking to them. "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
But here is where I was gotten, where the words went from words on the page to words that jumped out at me. The two men responded by leaving their nets and coming at once. At once! Jesus didn't have to use their middle name, didn't have to give a threat, and didn't have to sweeten the pot. All He said was come and at once they came.
Notice in the verses that follow, however, that a simple invite was given to another set of brothers and their response was just about the same. "Without delay [Jesus] called them, and [James and John] left their father..." In an instant of Jesus calling to the two, the family business was already split as the two brothers who would more than likely inherit the company were now following a man who really only promised a career in fishing for men. And still, there was no middle name used, no bait, and no deception to get the brothers to come.
So here is my question. As a parent the middle name being called seems to work, or to at least let the kids know I am serious about them coming, listening, performing, etc. Yet Jesus gives an invitation without forcing the middle name. Do we hear it? The two sets of brothers did, and they at once left all they had to follow Him. Why do we decide that we will only follow, or obey, when there is some type of benefit promised? Why do we wait and wait and delay and delay instead of just coming when He calls gently to us? It makes me truly question how many blessings we miss out on because of the delay. If the brothers had delayed, would Jesus have waited? I personally think He may have moved on to another who was willing to come at once. That said, I want to be ready and drop all I have to follow Him at once when He calls.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...