Saturday, January 8, 2011

“Then those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”
Matthew 14:33

When Jesus does something awesome in your life, what is your first reaction? Are you the kind of person that casually says, ”Thanks Jesus”? Or are you the kind of person who pays no real attention to it and moves on as if nothing really matters? Do you come in with slight judgment and say, “Well it’s about time you showed up and did something”? My prayer is no, but that you are the type of person who takes a moment to truly worship Jesus for who He is and what He has just done. That’s what the disciples did in Matthew 14.
Jesus had advised the disciples to go on ahead of Him by boat across the water. Following the beheading of John the Baptist, and the feeding of five thousand men alone, Jesus wanted some alone time to pray. The disciples obeyed and started on their way. As they sailed, the wind picked up some and began to bang the boat, but it was nothing like the storm they had seen Jesus quiet in Matthew 8. Still, something different was stirring that night.
Around the 4th watch of the night, as the disciples looked back in the direction they had come, a mysterious thing was seen. Beings that most of the disciples were fishermen, I’m sure they all had a whale of a tale to tell about the many things they had seen on the water, but this night they were all seeing the same mystery. At first they thought it was a ghost and grew scared. But as it came closer still, a voice called from it. “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” It was Jesus…walking on water? They had seen Jesus do many signs and wonders, but no one had ever seen a man walk on water. Was it really Jesus, or were their minds playing tricks on them during the dark early morning hours?
Peter decided he was bold enough to find out the truth. He called back to the ghost with the voice, “Lord, if it is you then tell me to come and walk to you on this water.” The distant voice responded back, “Come.” Timidly, fearfully I’m sure, Peter braced himself on the boat’s side and brought his legs over. As he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, he walked out to meet Him. But the moment the wind and waves grew tall, Peter changed his view from Jesus to what was coming at him. Without that connection, Peter began to sink.
Immediately Jesus reached down and saved Peter. He gave Peter a rebuke about his lack of faith which I know He has also given me, even recently. Please understand this, faith is present action. Faith cannot be built up like financial savings. Peter had seen Jesus do many things, but at that moment when the wind and waves raised themselves, his faith in Jesus was slim. I too have seen Jesus do many things, from healings to provision, but as I have walked new areas recently I have wavered and found Him rebuking my present day small faith in what He can do.
As Peter was helped back in the boat, he and the other disciples worshipped Jesus and said, “Truly you are the Son of God.” But this is where I really want to focus today. This word ‘worship’ has always puzzled me. What did they say, because I want to worship Jesus as they did. I have seen Jesus do miracles and I want to worship Him for it. The word for worship here is PROSKUNEO, and it means to kiss. Can you see it? With relief, joy, and amazement on their faces and in their hearts, they came up to Jesus and kissed His cheek and said without any doubt or hesitancy, “Truly you are the Son of God!”
Does He not still work miracles? Does He not still deserve our worship? Then let us kiss Jesus as we thank Him for who He is and what He has done. No matter what situation you have come out of, He truly is the Son of God. No matter what situation you are in now, He truly is the Son of God. He deserves more than just, “Thanks Jesus.” Let us come before Him and truly worship the true Son of God.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...