Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."
Deuteronomy 30:19

Just chapters away from Israel entering into the Promised Land, Moses delivers these words to the people. "Israelites, the time is close for you to enter the land we were promised by God. God has shown Himself faithful, by granting your freedom from bondage, drowning the Egyptians in the Red Sea, and providing food and water for you. He has given us His commands, and He has shown His power. All these miracles you have seen. So on the crest of entering your destiny, I call heaven and earth to hear these words from God. Life and death are before you in all you do. Choose life, and you will live. Choose death, and you will die. It is black and white; there is no gray. I beg of you, though, choose life."
We know the story that follows. Joshua takes the people into the Promised Land and Jericho is defeated. Achan takes the devoted things that God told them not to take after the destruction of Jericho, and as a result Ai becomes a bloody battle for Israel. But why? Wasn't God with them? Yes, He was. But God's instruction was clear not to take the devoted things (Joshua 6:18). Because of Achan's sin, innocent people died. But just chapters before, Moses told all of them, Achan present I'm sure, to choose life. Yet his choice was death, for both his family and the innocent soldiers.
We must realize that when we play with sin, we will not win. I thank God that Jesus was sent as a sacrifice for my messes, but that does not give me the right to sin. Sin is death; it's wages are death (Romans 6:23). That is too steep a price for me to pay for a few moments of fun, or a few devoted things. These words Moses spoke out are still truth today. If we choose God's way, we will live. But the man that chooses to disobey will find death. So now, life and death are set before you. Which will you choose?

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...