"So the LORD God said to the serpent, 'Becuase you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.'"
Genesis 3:14
A few weeks back when I was in worship at church, we sang a song that grabbed my attention. The title is Seas of Crimson, and the lyrics read:
"For every curse, You're the cure / For every sickness, You're the Healer
For every storm, You're the calm / For all that's lost, Oh what a Savior"
Now I cannot state whether the writter of the song, or even the worship leader leading me, had this in mind when it was sung, but when I joined in to worship singing these words, God spoke to me.
If you look at the word CURSE and the word CURE, you find that all the letters are the same and in perfect order. The exception, however, is the letter S. If you take the S out of the word curSe, you end up with cure. And then I felt God speaking that the S in curSe was representative of the snake, the enemy himself.
Look with me at Genesis 2 and you find that God makes the beautiful Eve for the manly Adam. They are given the freedoms of the garden with no knowledge of sin. The only rule laid before them was to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But move ahead just a chapter and we find in Genesis 3 the snake, crafty in his ways, twisting the words that God spoke just enough to intice. With Adam at her side, Eve ate the fruit and shared it with Adam. The cure, life in the Garden of Eden and afternoon walks with God, was suddenly taken away because the curSe slithered in.
How many other times can we look at see curses popping up in our lives? It seems we are bombarded with the curse of poor self-esteem, anger, or lack of finances. But what about the curse of infirmity? Or how about the curse of bad luck. Or dare I say, how about generational curses as a whole. In all these areas and so many more, the snake has slithered his way into the lives of people simply to bring their demise. Yet what should our response be?
According to the song, for every curse Jesus is the cure. To me, that simply means that to break the curSe I need to get the S out. I need to get the snake out! I need to not allow the enemy to come in and shift my stance on God's Word. If Eve had done what Jesus did in Matthew 4 and used God's truth against the serpent instead of allowing her mind to be twisted, then the curse would be been broken before it started. While this piece of Biblical history cannot be changed for Eve, it can be changed for us. Because Jesus Christ broken the power of the enemy's curse, we can walk in freedom.
I urge you, take the S, the snake, out of your life and allow God to provide His cure. Get the snake out! Remove his ability to enter your life so that the curse will stop, and the cure will begin.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
The following is based on a series of studies I did during the summer of 2012. At that time I felt an urge to review the Bible from beginning to end, and take note of the number 40. As these recent days have passed by, however, I have felt that it was time to take a new look at the significance of the number “forty”.
You may or may not know this, but numbers are important when it comes to the Word of God. For instance, a quick look at the number three and you may see it to mean “entire”. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, making up the entire God-head. In Hebrews 13:8, we read that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever/tomorrow.” Jesus also rose from the dead on the third day, showing the entire work of the enemy defeated. We can look at seven the same way. Seven is known as “spiritual perfection”. In Genesis 7:2, Noah is instructed to take seven of every clean animal into the ark and only two of every unclean animal. God rested on the seventh day as we also are commanded to (Ex 20:8-11). On and on we could go concerning the number seven. So as you can see, numbers are important. But I want to direct your attention to a number that you may not think of right away. I want us to look at the number forty.
Now we are not going to take forty days to learn about the number forty, but I again want to bring this number to the forefront. The reason why is because we are currently in the Jewish season of Teshuvah. To give a quick understanding of Teshuvah, every day for forty days, the shofar is blown as a wake up call for all people to repent and seek God for forgiveness. This season ends with Yom Kippur, which is the holiest of all Jewish holidays. What we chose to do concerning the horn’s blast is between us and God.
But why does Teshuvah last forty days, and is the number forty really all that special? To answer that I point out that the number forty is named in the New International Version of the Bible 141 times. That is quite a few times for us to just sweep this digit under the rug. Yet, did anything of significance happen concerning forty? I bring your attention now to Genesis 7:4. “’For in seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights; I will wipe out every living thing that I have made from the face of the earth.’” It is here that Noah hears from God that He is sending a flood to wipe away the sinful people, and that through Noah, and because of his devotion, the world would be renewed. The rains that were to come would last forty days and forty nights.
An important piece of data to understand is that forty in the Bible is referred to as a time of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement, but not judgment. A forty day, month, or year period ends with a period of restoration, revival, and renewal. We see this also in the events following the flood, where the earth was reborn.
So then, why does Teshuvah last forty days? According to Jewish tradition, Teshuvah is a sort of death and rebirth. This season is likened to the forty weeks it takes for a human fetus to be formed within the womb. This then is a season of moving past the barren, dead womb and into a time of new life. More so, it is a season of our awakening from the sleep of our sinful ways and into the ways of our God. The shofar is blown daily in these forty days, serving as our alarm clock to wake up from the sinful slumber we are in. Do we really need forty days to repent and confess our sin; to prepare ourselves? Maybe this is better answered by again looking at the meaning of forty. I can confess my sin now, but who’s to say that on day ten I will not move back into my sin. I need to stand in these forty days, to be reminded with each daily blast of the shofar of the trial I am in, and the victory I want to see. Relief from my sin may come on day one, but restoration is proved on day forty-one.
All through life we see the details of forty. We claim “Life begins at forty.” And whether talking concerning the 40 weeks for the baby or the forty years for the person, this is a true statement. But why forty? It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but it takes 40 days to form a lifestyle. Let us look now at the lifestyle that God was outlining for His people, then, in relation to His servant Moses.
After leaving the land of Egypt, Moses led the people from Rameses to Succoth, and then on to Etham on the edge of the desert before eventually landing at the waters of the Red Sea. As ordered by God, Moses stretched out his staff and the waters parted, allowing all of Israel to pass. After defeating the Amalekites, and learning a few lessons from his father-in-law, Jethro, the nation rested at the base of Mount Sinai. It was here that the people received the Ten Commandments and the instruction for the Tabernacle, for it was here that Moses left the camp and met God on the mountain for forty days and nights. “The Moses entered the cloud as he went on up the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights,” (Ex 24:18). In this alone time with Adonai, Moses was being given the download of the ages. Every blueprint for the Tabernacle, and every stitch concerning the garment of the priest was being explained to Moses. Yet when he descended down the mountain, his eyes landed on the sights of the people worshiping an idol. In anger he destroyed the image (Ex 32:19).
According to tradition, it was on the 17th of Tammuz that Moses descended and saw the golden calf. History would later show that this date became associated with all sorts of calamity for the nation of Israel. It is thought by many that in Exodus 32:30, when Moses states he will go before God to make atonement, that Moses may have again remained on the mountain top for another forty days. The Bible is unclear of this fact, but we do know that Moses did ascend in Exodus 34:28, separate from speaking to the people again in Exodus 33:4. It was in this time that again God continued in the giving of the blueprints for the lifestyle He desired. Details concerning the Ark, the lamp stand, and the altar to name but a few were given in precise order, as they would be used to draw His people to Him.
So here is a question I have for you as we consider once more this number, forty. What lifestyles have you formed? In the winter of 2012 I took part in my first 21 day, water only fast. Personally, the fast helped me to make a habit in the way I sought God during the day, listened for His voice, and searched His ways. But I want more. I want a lifestyle change and not just a habit change. I do not want only to form a standard prayer time, but rather I want to create a lifestyle of prayer. I want to form a lifestyle of drawing close to Him, of removing any part of ‘me’ that gets in the way and prevents me from truly knowing Him. I want to go up the mountain and like Moses, speak with Him. This is not a charge for a “40 Day Challenge”, but rather a challenge for you to look at the lifestyle you are living in. Perhaps, like me, you desire more.
We have already seen how the number forty played a part in the lives of Noah and of Moses, but I want us to take a look at a few more people and events where the number forty is concerned. Again, remember that forty is a number related to testing and trials, and as we will see, these people and events found their share of testing in the forties. Let us begin back in Genesis.
Following the flood which we have already talked about, the next ‘forty’ is found in Genesis 25:20. It is here we are told Isaac was forty years old when he wed Rebekah. In the next chapter over we read that Esau was forty years old when he married Judith and Basemath, much to his mother’s disgust (Gen 26:34). And completing the book of Genesis, we read that as Jacob was in Egypt when he passed away, the custom of Egypt was for him to be embalmed. This process took a full forty days (Gen 50:3).
While those events may not seem off-hand like times of testing and trials, these next few definitely are. Forty years the nation of Israel wandered in the desert because of the spies response concerning the Promise Land after their return forty days later (Num 13:25). This meant that for forty years the people ate the same meal of manna and quail. That alone would be enough to test me. Yet in the end, God comforted His people in Deuteronomy 2:7 by letting them know He had provided for them during the full forty years. With this, they entered the land and were renewed. I think it also good to point out here that Moses was forty when he left Egypt on his own. Forty years later he returned for God’s people. And forty years following still, he looked from afar into the Promise Land as the people entered. Joshua also said in Joshua 14:7 that he was forty when as one of the spies, he surveyed the land. This then places him at eighty when he took over as the commander of the Israelite people.
In Judges 3:11 we read that the land of Israel had rest for forty years following the death of its judge, Othniel, and the stand he led the nation in. At the end of Deborah’s song in Judges 5:31, we see another forty year rest as again the land began its revised stand for God. Following the leading of Gideon (Jud 8:28), another period of rest for forty years was found in the land. But in Judges 13:1, we find that because the people forsook the ways of God, they were slave to the Philistines for forty years. Following the stand of Samson to break this forty year time of testing, events led to Eli being judge for forty years as recorded in I Samuel 4:18. All these past events lead us to I Samuel 17:16. “Meanwhile, the Philistine approached with his challenge every morning and evening for forty days.”
It wasn’t until just recently this verse jumped out at me. For forty days already, the army of Israel stood at attention to hear the condescending blasphemy of the giant, Goliath. For forty days he spit out his usual chant of defiance against God and His people. But what Goliath did not know, was that the day David arrived was day forty-one. Remember, forty is equated with testing, trial, probation, or chastisement. For forty days the men of Israel were being tested in the Valley of Elah. Guess what Elah means. Elah is the Aramaic word for ‘awesome’, its origin meaning ‘reverence’, and is one of the names of God. Goliath and his fellow soldiers were standing in the Valley of an Awesome God. An awesome God He was indeed, for on this forty-first day, His Spirit came over David and the victory over the giant was had. Remember again that following a forty day, week, year, or anything period comes forty-one, which means restoration, revival, and renewal. Israel had just walked into their time of renewal.
Maybe right now you feel like you have been standing face to face with Goliath. Perhaps you feel as though you have been tested for forty days yourself. Maybe forty years. But I urge you to notice where you are standing. You may find that you have been standing in the Valley of Elah. And looking at your calendar, you may realize that today is day forty-one. Prepare yourself, then, for you are about to see His Spirit move you into a period of restoration, revival, and renewal. Are you ready for it? I know I am.
Going on, King David ruled for forty years (I Kin 2:11). His son, Solomon, also ruled for forty years (I Kin 11:42). Additionally, one other king is credited as ruling for forty years, that being Joash (II Kin 12:1). In I Kings 19:8 we read that with the angel of the LORD coming a second time to Elijah to provide for him food and drink, the meal was enough to suffice him for forty days while he went toward Horeb. God called Ezekiel to do something bazaar in Ezekiel 4:6, commanding him to lay on his right side for forty days to bear the guilt of the house of Judah. And finally, in the book of Jonah, we read that the prophet who first protested, was now in Ninevah declaring that in forty days God was going to overturn Ninevah to its enemies. The city took this personally, and as a whole they sought God in teshuvah and God relented.
There is no coincidence that forty is such an important number in the Bible. But did you know that forty also links the Bible to eagles? Let me explain. In Isaiah 40:30-31, we read, “Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary, when they are walking they won’t get tired.” Now in addition to researching the number forty, I have also researched on eagles. Check this out. When an eagle begins to feel old, he will fly up to the mountain and get as close as he can to the sun. Then, one by one he will begin to pluck out each feather. It is said that the eagle is not concerned with the pain in this process, as much as he is the progress in this process. Then, newly de-feathered, the eagle bathes and waits. Animal scientists have studied this behavior and have found that the waiting process is purposed, and that it takes forty days for the re-growth of new feathers. Forty days! When the feathers have grown back, the eagle is renewed in strength and ability.
How does this relate to us? I am glad you asked. I know for myself I have times when I feel ‘old’, especially now that I am 40. There are times when my spirit feels weak, weary, and unable to keep pace. It is in these times that so as the eagle goes up the mountain toward the sun, that I need to find myself going up the mountain to the Son. My strength can only come from Him. But, I cannot have renewed strength until first I remove the ‘feathers’, or the weights that hold me down. These need to be removed, one by one, regardless of how much they hurt or how bald I may look. It is only in striping these feathers that I will find the renewed strength I so long to have. Yet as the feathers do not grow back on the eagle overnight, so I must remember that they will not also grow back on me overnight. It is a time of waiting for the new feathers to come in. It is a time of decision, where lifestyle is reborn.
As we come close to wrapping up our study, I want us to look at the number forty and how it relates to Jesus, Yeshua. There are two specific instances relating our Savior with this number, and my goal is to look at both. However, in both I think you also will see that this number is in fact related to the testing and trials that we have learned it to relate to.
We start with the events following Jesus’ baptism. Matthew 3 concludes with Jesus coming out of the waters of the Jordan and having the Spirit come upon Him as a dove, and the voice of the Father declaring His pleasure in His Son. Then in chapter 4, we are told that the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. “Then the Spirit led Yeshua up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Adversary. After Yeshua had fasted forty days and nights, he was hungry,” (Matthew 4:1-2).
Before we go on, let us define a few words in the Greek concerning this portion of scripture. First, I think it is good for us to define ‘wilderness’. In the Greek this is EREMOS, meaning a solitary, lonely, or uninhabited place. Second, let us define ‘tempted’. This is the word PEIRAZO in the Greek, and its meaning is one of a trying to see if a thing can be done, a malicious test, or a testing for the purpose of determining quantity and behavior. In short, then, we see the Spirit leading Jesus into a solitary time and place to determine through the malicious tactics of the enemy just what Jesus was made of. When offered the ‘things’ of this world, would Jesus buckle under the pressure, or buckle up in character?
After a time of forty days of being tested, with the enemy offering food, safety, and the kingdoms of this world, and all the while Jesus overcoming each temptation with the Word, the enemy left him alone (Mt 4:11). I would like to point out real quick the relationship between this event and the words of James 4:7. When we resist the enemy, he will flee. It was in this season, these forty days, that the enemy wanted to see what Jesus would do. In His weakness, the enemy probably expected Jesus to give it to the temptation. Yet He held His ground and fought with the Word when the enemy came at Him. Jesus showed not a habit, but a lifestyle. Still, let this also be a reminder to us in our times of testing that God’s Word remains our weapon.
Lastly, I want us to look at Acts 1:3. Following the death of Jesus we read that He appeared to the disciples and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive over the course of forty days. As we just read, Jesus Himself was tested for forty days, and now we see that the disciples were being tested for forty days. The fact that Jesus had to convince the disciples it was Him speaks volumes. Yet Jesus gave proofs, TEKMERION, the assurance that He was surely and plainly known with evidence to support Himself. In these forty days following Jesus’ victory over death, He made it His mission to prove that He was the fulfillment of Scripture.
So what does this say to us? Perhaps in reading this you have seen yourself. Maybe you have realized that you are in a time of testing. As shared, you may be on day one, or day forty. In any case, day forty-one is close at hand, and so is your renewal. But, maybe like the eagle, it is time for you to fly to a place where you are closer to the Son, strip yourself of you, and allow the refreshing and renewal that only He can give.
You may or may not know this, but numbers are important when it comes to the Word of God. For instance, a quick look at the number three and you may see it to mean “entire”. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, making up the entire God-head. In Hebrews 13:8, we read that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever/tomorrow.” Jesus also rose from the dead on the third day, showing the entire work of the enemy defeated. We can look at seven the same way. Seven is known as “spiritual perfection”. In Genesis 7:2, Noah is instructed to take seven of every clean animal into the ark and only two of every unclean animal. God rested on the seventh day as we also are commanded to (Ex 20:8-11). On and on we could go concerning the number seven. So as you can see, numbers are important. But I want to direct your attention to a number that you may not think of right away. I want us to look at the number forty.
Now we are not going to take forty days to learn about the number forty, but I again want to bring this number to the forefront. The reason why is because we are currently in the Jewish season of Teshuvah. To give a quick understanding of Teshuvah, every day for forty days, the shofar is blown as a wake up call for all people to repent and seek God for forgiveness. This season ends with Yom Kippur, which is the holiest of all Jewish holidays. What we chose to do concerning the horn’s blast is between us and God.
But why does Teshuvah last forty days, and is the number forty really all that special? To answer that I point out that the number forty is named in the New International Version of the Bible 141 times. That is quite a few times for us to just sweep this digit under the rug. Yet, did anything of significance happen concerning forty? I bring your attention now to Genesis 7:4. “’For in seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights; I will wipe out every living thing that I have made from the face of the earth.’” It is here that Noah hears from God that He is sending a flood to wipe away the sinful people, and that through Noah, and because of his devotion, the world would be renewed. The rains that were to come would last forty days and forty nights.
An important piece of data to understand is that forty in the Bible is referred to as a time of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement, but not judgment. A forty day, month, or year period ends with a period of restoration, revival, and renewal. We see this also in the events following the flood, where the earth was reborn.
So then, why does Teshuvah last forty days? According to Jewish tradition, Teshuvah is a sort of death and rebirth. This season is likened to the forty weeks it takes for a human fetus to be formed within the womb. This then is a season of moving past the barren, dead womb and into a time of new life. More so, it is a season of our awakening from the sleep of our sinful ways and into the ways of our God. The shofar is blown daily in these forty days, serving as our alarm clock to wake up from the sinful slumber we are in. Do we really need forty days to repent and confess our sin; to prepare ourselves? Maybe this is better answered by again looking at the meaning of forty. I can confess my sin now, but who’s to say that on day ten I will not move back into my sin. I need to stand in these forty days, to be reminded with each daily blast of the shofar of the trial I am in, and the victory I want to see. Relief from my sin may come on day one, but restoration is proved on day forty-one.
All through life we see the details of forty. We claim “Life begins at forty.” And whether talking concerning the 40 weeks for the baby or the forty years for the person, this is a true statement. But why forty? It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but it takes 40 days to form a lifestyle. Let us look now at the lifestyle that God was outlining for His people, then, in relation to His servant Moses.
After leaving the land of Egypt, Moses led the people from Rameses to Succoth, and then on to Etham on the edge of the desert before eventually landing at the waters of the Red Sea. As ordered by God, Moses stretched out his staff and the waters parted, allowing all of Israel to pass. After defeating the Amalekites, and learning a few lessons from his father-in-law, Jethro, the nation rested at the base of Mount Sinai. It was here that the people received the Ten Commandments and the instruction for the Tabernacle, for it was here that Moses left the camp and met God on the mountain for forty days and nights. “The Moses entered the cloud as he went on up the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights,” (Ex 24:18). In this alone time with Adonai, Moses was being given the download of the ages. Every blueprint for the Tabernacle, and every stitch concerning the garment of the priest was being explained to Moses. Yet when he descended down the mountain, his eyes landed on the sights of the people worshiping an idol. In anger he destroyed the image (Ex 32:19).
According to tradition, it was on the 17th of Tammuz that Moses descended and saw the golden calf. History would later show that this date became associated with all sorts of calamity for the nation of Israel. It is thought by many that in Exodus 32:30, when Moses states he will go before God to make atonement, that Moses may have again remained on the mountain top for another forty days. The Bible is unclear of this fact, but we do know that Moses did ascend in Exodus 34:28, separate from speaking to the people again in Exodus 33:4. It was in this time that again God continued in the giving of the blueprints for the lifestyle He desired. Details concerning the Ark, the lamp stand, and the altar to name but a few were given in precise order, as they would be used to draw His people to Him.
So here is a question I have for you as we consider once more this number, forty. What lifestyles have you formed? In the winter of 2012 I took part in my first 21 day, water only fast. Personally, the fast helped me to make a habit in the way I sought God during the day, listened for His voice, and searched His ways. But I want more. I want a lifestyle change and not just a habit change. I do not want only to form a standard prayer time, but rather I want to create a lifestyle of prayer. I want to form a lifestyle of drawing close to Him, of removing any part of ‘me’ that gets in the way and prevents me from truly knowing Him. I want to go up the mountain and like Moses, speak with Him. This is not a charge for a “40 Day Challenge”, but rather a challenge for you to look at the lifestyle you are living in. Perhaps, like me, you desire more.
We have already seen how the number forty played a part in the lives of Noah and of Moses, but I want us to take a look at a few more people and events where the number forty is concerned. Again, remember that forty is a number related to testing and trials, and as we will see, these people and events found their share of testing in the forties. Let us begin back in Genesis.
Following the flood which we have already talked about, the next ‘forty’ is found in Genesis 25:20. It is here we are told Isaac was forty years old when he wed Rebekah. In the next chapter over we read that Esau was forty years old when he married Judith and Basemath, much to his mother’s disgust (Gen 26:34). And completing the book of Genesis, we read that as Jacob was in Egypt when he passed away, the custom of Egypt was for him to be embalmed. This process took a full forty days (Gen 50:3).
While those events may not seem off-hand like times of testing and trials, these next few definitely are. Forty years the nation of Israel wandered in the desert because of the spies response concerning the Promise Land after their return forty days later (Num 13:25). This meant that for forty years the people ate the same meal of manna and quail. That alone would be enough to test me. Yet in the end, God comforted His people in Deuteronomy 2:7 by letting them know He had provided for them during the full forty years. With this, they entered the land and were renewed. I think it also good to point out here that Moses was forty when he left Egypt on his own. Forty years later he returned for God’s people. And forty years following still, he looked from afar into the Promise Land as the people entered. Joshua also said in Joshua 14:7 that he was forty when as one of the spies, he surveyed the land. This then places him at eighty when he took over as the commander of the Israelite people.
In Judges 3:11 we read that the land of Israel had rest for forty years following the death of its judge, Othniel, and the stand he led the nation in. At the end of Deborah’s song in Judges 5:31, we see another forty year rest as again the land began its revised stand for God. Following the leading of Gideon (Jud 8:28), another period of rest for forty years was found in the land. But in Judges 13:1, we find that because the people forsook the ways of God, they were slave to the Philistines for forty years. Following the stand of Samson to break this forty year time of testing, events led to Eli being judge for forty years as recorded in I Samuel 4:18. All these past events lead us to I Samuel 17:16. “Meanwhile, the Philistine approached with his challenge every morning and evening for forty days.”
It wasn’t until just recently this verse jumped out at me. For forty days already, the army of Israel stood at attention to hear the condescending blasphemy of the giant, Goliath. For forty days he spit out his usual chant of defiance against God and His people. But what Goliath did not know, was that the day David arrived was day forty-one. Remember, forty is equated with testing, trial, probation, or chastisement. For forty days the men of Israel were being tested in the Valley of Elah. Guess what Elah means. Elah is the Aramaic word for ‘awesome’, its origin meaning ‘reverence’, and is one of the names of God. Goliath and his fellow soldiers were standing in the Valley of an Awesome God. An awesome God He was indeed, for on this forty-first day, His Spirit came over David and the victory over the giant was had. Remember again that following a forty day, week, year, or anything period comes forty-one, which means restoration, revival, and renewal. Israel had just walked into their time of renewal.
Maybe right now you feel like you have been standing face to face with Goliath. Perhaps you feel as though you have been tested for forty days yourself. Maybe forty years. But I urge you to notice where you are standing. You may find that you have been standing in the Valley of Elah. And looking at your calendar, you may realize that today is day forty-one. Prepare yourself, then, for you are about to see His Spirit move you into a period of restoration, revival, and renewal. Are you ready for it? I know I am.
Going on, King David ruled for forty years (I Kin 2:11). His son, Solomon, also ruled for forty years (I Kin 11:42). Additionally, one other king is credited as ruling for forty years, that being Joash (II Kin 12:1). In I Kings 19:8 we read that with the angel of the LORD coming a second time to Elijah to provide for him food and drink, the meal was enough to suffice him for forty days while he went toward Horeb. God called Ezekiel to do something bazaar in Ezekiel 4:6, commanding him to lay on his right side for forty days to bear the guilt of the house of Judah. And finally, in the book of Jonah, we read that the prophet who first protested, was now in Ninevah declaring that in forty days God was going to overturn Ninevah to its enemies. The city took this personally, and as a whole they sought God in teshuvah and God relented.
There is no coincidence that forty is such an important number in the Bible. But did you know that forty also links the Bible to eagles? Let me explain. In Isaiah 40:30-31, we read, “Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary, when they are walking they won’t get tired.” Now in addition to researching the number forty, I have also researched on eagles. Check this out. When an eagle begins to feel old, he will fly up to the mountain and get as close as he can to the sun. Then, one by one he will begin to pluck out each feather. It is said that the eagle is not concerned with the pain in this process, as much as he is the progress in this process. Then, newly de-feathered, the eagle bathes and waits. Animal scientists have studied this behavior and have found that the waiting process is purposed, and that it takes forty days for the re-growth of new feathers. Forty days! When the feathers have grown back, the eagle is renewed in strength and ability.
How does this relate to us? I am glad you asked. I know for myself I have times when I feel ‘old’, especially now that I am 40. There are times when my spirit feels weak, weary, and unable to keep pace. It is in these times that so as the eagle goes up the mountain toward the sun, that I need to find myself going up the mountain to the Son. My strength can only come from Him. But, I cannot have renewed strength until first I remove the ‘feathers’, or the weights that hold me down. These need to be removed, one by one, regardless of how much they hurt or how bald I may look. It is only in striping these feathers that I will find the renewed strength I so long to have. Yet as the feathers do not grow back on the eagle overnight, so I must remember that they will not also grow back on me overnight. It is a time of waiting for the new feathers to come in. It is a time of decision, where lifestyle is reborn.
As we come close to wrapping up our study, I want us to look at the number forty and how it relates to Jesus, Yeshua. There are two specific instances relating our Savior with this number, and my goal is to look at both. However, in both I think you also will see that this number is in fact related to the testing and trials that we have learned it to relate to.
We start with the events following Jesus’ baptism. Matthew 3 concludes with Jesus coming out of the waters of the Jordan and having the Spirit come upon Him as a dove, and the voice of the Father declaring His pleasure in His Son. Then in chapter 4, we are told that the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. “Then the Spirit led Yeshua up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Adversary. After Yeshua had fasted forty days and nights, he was hungry,” (Matthew 4:1-2).
Before we go on, let us define a few words in the Greek concerning this portion of scripture. First, I think it is good for us to define ‘wilderness’. In the Greek this is EREMOS, meaning a solitary, lonely, or uninhabited place. Second, let us define ‘tempted’. This is the word PEIRAZO in the Greek, and its meaning is one of a trying to see if a thing can be done, a malicious test, or a testing for the purpose of determining quantity and behavior. In short, then, we see the Spirit leading Jesus into a solitary time and place to determine through the malicious tactics of the enemy just what Jesus was made of. When offered the ‘things’ of this world, would Jesus buckle under the pressure, or buckle up in character?
After a time of forty days of being tested, with the enemy offering food, safety, and the kingdoms of this world, and all the while Jesus overcoming each temptation with the Word, the enemy left him alone (Mt 4:11). I would like to point out real quick the relationship between this event and the words of James 4:7. When we resist the enemy, he will flee. It was in this season, these forty days, that the enemy wanted to see what Jesus would do. In His weakness, the enemy probably expected Jesus to give it to the temptation. Yet He held His ground and fought with the Word when the enemy came at Him. Jesus showed not a habit, but a lifestyle. Still, let this also be a reminder to us in our times of testing that God’s Word remains our weapon.
Lastly, I want us to look at Acts 1:3. Following the death of Jesus we read that He appeared to the disciples and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive over the course of forty days. As we just read, Jesus Himself was tested for forty days, and now we see that the disciples were being tested for forty days. The fact that Jesus had to convince the disciples it was Him speaks volumes. Yet Jesus gave proofs, TEKMERION, the assurance that He was surely and plainly known with evidence to support Himself. In these forty days following Jesus’ victory over death, He made it His mission to prove that He was the fulfillment of Scripture.
So what does this say to us? Perhaps in reading this you have seen yourself. Maybe you have realized that you are in a time of testing. As shared, you may be on day one, or day forty. In any case, day forty-one is close at hand, and so is your renewal. But, maybe like the eagle, it is time for you to fly to a place where you are closer to the Son, strip yourself of you, and allow the refreshing and renewal that only He can give.
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