Tuesday, November 30, 2010

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Philippians 2:5-7

This morning I was thinking back to my mission’s trip experiences. So many good memories. There was the first mission where I smuggled Bibles into China. On the second mission trip I visited Slovakia and Poland where I taught at a pantomime school. My third mission trip found me witnessing first hand God’s power in my own life while in Peru. And my fourth trip to Mexico gave new meaning to the words ‘suffering for Jesus’ as I received stitches in the back of an ambulance…with no numbing agents. Each trip had a highlight, but each trip also had a challenge fully unique of the trips before and after. However, each trip also forced me to come face to face with humility.
I think back specifically to my trip to Peru. This is the trip where I am sure God did the most through me because I allowed and prayed that He would do the most to me. As I have shared in the past concerning this trip, I prayed often that God would give me compassion for these people. There was the excitement of seeing another new country, but my best memories are the recollections of how I was able to help the people.
I remember painting the church building in Huaral, but the paint was like water. There was the time we visited the park to hand out bread and share Jesus in Lima. What about the many schools we visited, or the times we were able to serve with the church while in Arequipa? The children in Nazca who wanted to share their culture through dance with us are another great memory, and a chance to serve them through loving on them. And I still remember how in jungle of Pucallpa we were able to serve not only the Peruvians, but also serve the Wycliffe Bible translators who lived there and worked alongside the people.
Each one of these memories is based on a time of serving. At times I think I am good at it still, only to realize that my serving of others still ebbs and flows and I still have to pray that God will give me the compassion I need to see others as He does. We read that Jesus came not to be served but rather to serve. The King, the true King, came down from Heaven with a mission of serving. He served through acts, words, emotions, but most recognized, through death. He gave us the ability to cheat eternal death by giving us eternal life if we believe in Him and make Him the Lord of our life. He was a man of no reputation.
I have been tossing this around for a few days now, but here is the challenge for today. The holidays are upon us and shoppers are out bustling around in the stores. Many are becoming consumed with ‘the perfect gift’. But here is my thought. Christ drew others to Him because He served. So what if this season we served someone else in the hopes that they would see Christ is us and be drawn to Him. What do I mean? Next time you’re standing in line at Starbucks, buy the coffee of the person behind you. Rake the leaves or shovel the snow of a neighbor for no cost. Offer to babysit a friend’s kids so the couple can be alone for a night. Serving is endless. And don’t do it for what you will get out of it, but rather for God’s blessing on that person. This season, let us become also people who serve, people of no reputation.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...