Thursday, March 6, 2014


“Don’t obey just to win their favor, serving only when they are watching you; but serve as slaves of the Messiah, doing what God want with all your heart.”
Ephesians 6:6

Have you ever wondered how we are supposed to move from point A to point B in life? I mean, in life God calls us for a specific purpose. We receive our destiny at point A, and find the end result of the destiny at point B, but how do we get from point A to point B? What is the process from the time God gives this destiny till the time God allows us to walk in this destiny? This is the question God has been helping me with these past few days, and the message I will be sharing with the church this upcoming weekend. For now, though, allow me to share a little concerning what I am learning.
I believe the answer between point A and point B is service. In Ephesians 6:5, Paul starts out by saying that slaves are too obey their human masters with the same fear, trembling, and single-heartedness in which they are to obey their God. In essence, slaves are to obey with a reverence in all that is required of them, and with an honest virtue. These are the same manners in which we are to obey our God. As His followers, His servants, how is it that we should treat him with any less respect? How is it that we should not follow in each detail He requires of us? And how is it that we think we can partially obey Him and still have a complete blessing on our lives? Even King Saul learned that partial obedience equals complete disobedience.
But the piece that sticks out to me is found in verse 6. I cannot help but find myself asking if my obedience is based on what I get out of it. By this I mean, do I only obey when people are watching? Do I only obey because I want to be blessed? I found myself asking myself this question two summers back concerning giving an offering. Do I only give above the tithe because I want the 100% return, or do I give because I want to bless someone else regardless of what happens to me in return? Here I am again faced with the same question. Do I only do my job at work when I see the boss coming and then goof off when her back is turned? Do I only work for a paycheck, a pay raise, or verbal affirmation?
Paul encourages us to serve as slaves of the Messiah, doing what God wants with all our heart. We are reminded of this in Scripture, but I point out that Jesus did only what He saw His Father do. He saw His Father’s example, and lived it. Jesus showed us an example of how to bless others in serving others. In fact, Matthew 20:28 tells us that Jesus came not to be served, but rather to serve. Between the point in which Jesus came, point A, to the point when Jesus ascended to Heaven, point B, He served. Is this not the example we are to be living? We are not to serve based on what we obtain from serving, but rather we are to serve because that is the example we are to follow. With all our heart we are to be a slave, a servant, of the Most High God.
How badly do we want to do as Jesus would do, or has done? Are we willing to follow in each of His steps, even the ones that at times can be harder to follow? If so, then we must add the character of a servant to our lifestyle. We must serve God with all our hearts and do all that He requires of us. As we work to walk in the fear, trembling, and single-heartedness of serving God, then we must also serve those who are over us.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...