Tuesday, July 3, 2012

“Among you there should not even be mentioned sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or greed; these are utterly inappropriate for God’s holy people.”
Ephesians 5:3

I remember during my junior year of college one of the guys in my class came up to me and told me that he had a word for me. I was a little hesitant as to what he may say, but I listened. His words were simple. “God wants you to read and live Ephesians 5.” A little perplexed, I went back to the dorm that night and skimmed through it. Of all the verses that I saw on the page, my eyes landed on the part concerning a husband and wife and right away I thought he had missed it. How could it apply to me since I was not married, or even dating anyone at that time. Over the course of my life since then, my eyes have read the words of Ephesians 5 so many times that I probably could quote it. And following my divorce I have read it even more. There are so many truths within just this chapter beyond that of marriage, and so many lessons we should learn when deciding to do what Jesus would do.
To be honest with you, one of the greatest challenges for me in this season of doing what only Jesus would do is based on Ephesians 5:3-5. The challenge is for there not to be even a mention of. The NIV states a hint of. The word in the Greek is ONOMAZO, meaning the naming of or to be given name to. As ones who follow in the steps of God, as His imitators, we are not to let there be the name of sexual immorality, impurity, or greed of any amount in our lives. Additionally, as we will see tomorrow, there is to not be obscenity, stupid talk, or course language flowing from us as these habits too are not the way of God.
But what exactly do these traits encompass? Let us work to define the three traits in Ephesians 5:3. Sexual immorality is the Greek word PORNEIA. Guess what word we get today from this Greek root. Pornography. Defined more directly, this word includes illicit sexual intercourse, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and any act of sex done unto a pagan god or idol. This seems pretty cut and dry, yes? Yet how many churches have opened their doors to ministers and staff who publically admit this as their lifestyle? No offense, but I do not want to attend a church where my pastor is gay. I have a strong feeling that God’s hand of blessing is not on that church. Now I am not saying that church should not welcome these people in, as we all need Jesus, but I am saying I would not want this hint leading me in my walk with Christ and encouraging me to be like God.
Additionally, we are not to let there be any kind of impurity. In the Greek this is the word AKATHARSIA, meaning uncleanness of body, but also impurity of lustful, luxurious, or profligate living of impure motives. In Romans 1:24 this same word is used when Paul writes that God gave the unclean over to their impurities of lust within their hearts. If we fail to get the impurity out now, as Jesus would do, then our fate too can be sealed in our being given over to our flesh.
Greed is the third named character that there should not be a hint of in our lives as people who imitate God and do as Jesus would do. Greed is the Greek word PLEONEXIA, and is more rightly defined as covetousness or the deep desire to have more. Greed is what got David in trouble with Bathsheba as his desire was for her. Greed birthed the actions of taking what was not his and killing her husband to make it right. Greed is what gets so many of us in trouble still as it paves the way for us to reason why we should have what others have. Looking at Romans 1:29-32, greed is one of the named evil traits that is worthy of death.
I want to do as Jesus would do. I want to be an imitator of God. I want to be a fragrant offering unto Him. But I cannot be this if I allow the name of such sins to spot my life. I cannot be fully walking in His ways if my name is still on the party list with sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. These things must be banished from our lives. If they were no part of Jesus’ life, then why should we allow them to be part of ours? Let us divorce these traits, once and for all! I am pretty sure that is what Jesus would do.

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If one were to move away from the misconception that God is so distant in His status and truly understand, as Christ so often pointed ou...